Golf Poser

Lesson 4 - Technical Information.(Changed 07/02/2023)


At the address position I make sure that the feet and the shoulders are parallel to the target line and the left arm and the golf club form a straight line so that the hands are slightly ahead of the ball.

Before I begin the take way, I focus my eyes on the top/back of the ball and concentrate on my head position relative to the ball position, but importantly, my head position will be maintained throughout the back swing and will not be allowed to move away from the frontal facing position by the rotational motion of the upper body --- whilst continually focusing my eyes on the ball.

(To achieve accuracy the back swing must be a slow and controlled movement)

As I perform the back swing movement I ensure that the shoulders/arms/golf club rotate around the central axis of the spine as a one piece solid unit, but importantly as the shoulders rotate the hips gradually rotate away from the frontal facing position but I resist the hips from swaying away from the original address, by that I mean although the hips rotate, they must not be allowed to sway away from the ball.

As I reach the limit of the rotation of the compact upper body unit, the left arm will be close to the right shoulder. (but importantly the left arm must be held in this position as the down swing is performed)

The important criteria whilst the upper body rotates is:-

1) You must hold the shoulders and arms firmly together as a one piece solid unit which is done by holding the elbows close together so that the triangular shape of the upper body is maintained at all times and ensure that the rotation of the shoulder and the arms as a one piece unit and the simultaneous rotation of the hips is the mainstay of the back swing.

2) As you rotate the shoulders and the arms, whilst held firmly as a solid one piece unit into the back swing movement the upper body angles must be maintained and you must ensure that the club head moves on a swing path that actively moves the club head inside the parallel to the target line, with the arms held in the extended mode for as long as possible.

3) As the upper body unit continues to rotate into the back swing movement do not manipulate the club head, simply allow the movement to be normal, and continue to hold the upper body angles so that the left shoulder moves under the chin.

4) The left heel must remain firmly on the ground at all times and the muscles of the legs must remain in a firm condition at all times, to add stability to the back swing movement.

5) A s the hips are forced to rotate they must not sway away from the original address position for even a fraction of an inch.

6) The head must be held firmly in the Fixed Frontal position throughout the back swing movement, the head must not sway away from the original address position.

I cannot stress to strongly how important it is to stop the body swaying on the back swing movement.

It is important to also understand that at no time must you lift the arms during the back swing movement, simply rotate the shoulders and the arms as a solid one piece unit during the back swing movement.


At the end of the back swing movement the left shoulder will be nearly under the chin and the left arm will have moved close to the right shoulder but importantly, the hips will have rotated to the maximum and at that point your whole body has rotated to a point where a baseball player would feel comfortable.


However the most important element of the back swing movement is that the position that the arms achieve at the end of the back swing movement, ie, this upper body condition, where the left arm is held close to the right shoulder. ( this position must be maintained for the majority of the down swing movement)

At first this will feel very peculiar but as you practice the movement you will note how accurate the shots become as long as you keep the upper body unit held together as a very compact unit at all times.


( Look at this VIDEO of a top professional making a golf swing, notice as the back swing movement is performed the hips only begin to rotate away from the frontal facing position by the time the shoulders have reach their limit, but what you cannot clearly see or it is never made clear that they never sway away from the original set up position.)

Give some consideration to purchasing a device I developed to encourage golfers to keep the head in to original address position until well after the ball has been struck. ( See purchase details of the HeadRite)

Further Information for Lesson 4


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